Eindhoven University of Technology
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 14–18 July 2025
Contact registration@bridgesmathart.org for any conference registration-related questions/issues. Note: All prices are in US dollars.
Registrations that are canceled before the conference will be subject to a 10% processing fee.
The full conference registration fee is $290.00.
Presenting authors of accepted papers must register at this rate by June 1.
Student authors should register at the student rate by June 1.
This category is for people exhibiting works in the Bridges 2025 art exhibition who will NOT attend the conference.
Spouse or partner of registered Bridges 2025 attendee attending social events, concerts, and receptions.
This is for a "single day" registration ONLY. Please use regular conference registration if you are registering more than a day.
This category is for any undergraduate or graduate degree seeking student.
Your donation will extend the ability of the Bridges Organization to support travel to the conference by students and others who can not otherwise afford to attend. More information.
Note: Conference registration does not include the conference proceedings or art exhibition catalog.
Conference Proceedings, Art Exhibition Catalog, and the Math+Art Fashion Show Look Book will be available for purchase online after the conference.